Cyber Security in Indonesia Post Establishment of The Personal Data Protection Law

Jumat 12 Jul 2024 - 21:26 WIB
Reporter : Agung Budiarto
Editor : Agung Budiarto

11. Conduct socialization in the form of education regarding cyber security to the Indonesian people in order to create awareness of the importance of cyber security and the potential for cyber crimes that may occur in people’s lives.

12. cyber security curriculum as part of the education curriculum in Indonesia which is given as early as possible so that children from school age to tertiary education have awareness of cyber security and are able to protect themselves from potential cyber threats.



As previously mentioned regarding the condition of cyber attacks in Indonesia, even though the personal data protection law has been passed and implemented since October 17 2022, personal data leaks still occur with various motives and modes. The public, organizations and/or companies and other data management institutions still do not fully understand the contents of the Personal Data Protection Law and the preventive measures that can be taken to continue to protect the management and storage of personal data. Considering that this Law is a new regulation, it is the first step for the government to provide outreach to parties who manage and own personal data regarding procedures, as well as rights and obligations contained in the Personal Data Protection Law as well as procedures for carrying out reporting. theft of personal data that affects data owners and managers [5].

Challenges in implementing the Personal Data Protection Law are also something that cannot be avoided. Naturally, challenges are things that can occur unexpectedly, therefore the synergy between the government as the main person responsible and the community must be strengthened to minimize losses that can occur. from personal data leaks. Even though the government’s responsibility as a data manager is greater, the role of the community is no less important in being more alert and observant of potential cyber crimes, especially in areas connected online. It is important for the public to understand and be aware of cybercrime actions so that personal data is not used illegally by irresponsible parties [5].

In an effort to create national cyber resilience, apart from the need for socialization from the government, cooperation from non-government parties such as the mass media is also needed to educate the public about potential threats in the cyber domain and ways to prevent them. It is hoped that the intensity of public education will increase the awareness of each individual and group regarding their personal data.



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[4] L. M. Jannah, ”UU Perlindungan Data Pribadi dan Tantangan Implementasinya,” 21 September 2022. [Online]. Available:

[5] A. F. Sutarli, ”Peranan Pemerintah Melalui Undang-Undang Perlindungan Data Pribadi dalam Menanggulangi Phising di Indonesia,” INNOVATIVE : Journal of Social Science Research vol. 3 no. 2 , pp. 1-14, 2023.

[6] H. W. B. S. d. S. N. BSSN, ”,” 27 July 2023. [Online]. Available:

[7] I. CNN, ”,” 19 Juni 2023. [Online]. Available: 192-963776/35-kebocoran-data-2023-kominfo-akui-cuma-beri-rekomendasi-dan-teguran.

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